Saturday 10 December 2011

The Chronicles of Amy Thunderbird Ch. 18

I’m back after a 10 day hiatus due to game malfunctioning! I’ve had to re-install my game and everything, but all seems to be in running order. The only teeny weeny problem is that I lost all the pictures. D: I hadn’t played that far ahead mind you, but I take a lot of pictures and some of those had important things in, such as birthdays. Disappointed smile On a happier note, I am putting the Thunderbirds on my downloads page so that you can have a Thunderbird or two running around your game making cute babies and wreaking havoc.


This cat freaked the hell out of me! I was like “Awww a stray cat! Go greet it Brian!” but apon zooming in I discovered this.. this! D: He must be the neighbours cat.

(That one at the end of a previous chapter o.O)


Mist: Why hello there viewers! I don’t know what you’re doing down there but hello! Smile


Mist had his birthday too! Smile

Mist: Why are the walls so plain? An evil lair should be decorated according to my evil blueprints. Surprised smile

Patterns disappeared when I tried to run the game without CC but that’s hopefully all fixed now. ;3


Oh and Wisteria died. D: 2 days ago. D: Via electrocution. Well at least I have a point for getting a ghost. Open-mouthed smile Plus I am SO getting that opportunity to bring someone back to life from the science lab and getting GHOST BABIES. >:D


Brian is still adorable and I could take her out of the screen and keep her for myself. XD


I got sick of Plums old clothes so I decorated him! :3 I love his clothes too much now. XD There’s an owl! <3


Lima & Mist are still in love! <3


D: There is one less person riding this bus. Crying face


Jana Parrot! Ethans sister! Surprised smile 


Plum: Why did Amy switch the light off again? .. Oh yeah!


Plum: and the llama.. had three eyes! Surprised smile


Plum: The Grim Reaper rode in on his pink unicorn and played air scythe for the prom music so everyone passed out and the three eyed llama licked their faces. D:

… ¬_¬


Both: OMG, no way! D:


Amy: Why did no body warn me of this abomination? Surprised smile


Mist: I’m sure you’re all wondering where I work. I sure am.


Mist: Yay! I was going the right way. XD

For some reason I find this place creepy. o.O I wouldn’t want to work there. :o


I thought that the siblings should be friends, because they’re .. well siblings.

Plum: Who is she again? Smile

Yeah.. It’s that bad. >.<

(I’m still loving that owl shirt! XD)


Both: -awkward silence-


Jana is still here! On a date with Eggplant! :3


Both: Bleehh! :D

Plum: … -_-


Family homework time! Smile


I am also loving Plums PJ’s. :3


Topless chess! The new Olympic sport! Shifty


Eggplant: *walks in on Plum in the shower*


Eggplant: Shit! that was so embarrassing!

Time for a second shower me thinks! o_o


Both: *munchAwkwardThisIsSoAwkwardmunch*


Plum: .. So, that wasn’t embarrassing at all.

Eggplant: Nope, I'm already over it... You have no wiener. *snicker*

Plum: Neither do you! We’re sims! We have no wiener. Eye rolling smile 



Oh yeah, and Mist went to China. And brought back this cute bird! :3

I think we’ve caught up now. :)

Next chapter the prom is held!

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